Technical: +47 908 38 730 , Commercial: +47 958 20 005

SwimEye Vision

CCTV for your Swimming Pool

Capture smooth, high-quality underwater vision with our swimming pool CCTV.

Just like SwimEye, we can install underwater cameras in your pool.  At around 25 frames per second and with high-quality playback, we can capture sporting events, activities, water-play and security.  This is perfect for both onlooking parents and sports fans.

Underwater vision with swimming pool CCTV

Capture smooth, high-quality underwater vision with our swimming pool CCTV.

Just like SwimEye, we can install underwater cameras in your pool.  At around 25 frames per second and with high-quality playback, we can capture sporting events, activities, water-play and security.  This is perfect for both onlooking parents and sports fans.

Sample video from SwimEye Vision

Key features of SwimEye Vision


Crystal clear, high-quality under water vision.


Live feeds, data recording, playback and much more.


Seamless integration with your SwimEye system.


Suitable for all types of swimming pools and pool activities.

Want to have underwater vision?

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