Technical: +47 908 38 730 , Commercial: +47 958 20 005

Quality Customer Service

SwimEye’s clients have great expectations when investing in a computer vision detection system for their swimming pool. It is important, therefore, that SwimEye provides high-quality products and services. This is both during installation and following the system handover. 

Service is an important part of SwimEye operations

“We consider service and maintenance as a competitive advantage,” says Tor Petter Johansen – SwimEye, Chief Executive Officer. “We want our clients to know that we are always there for them, should something unexpected occur. This is both during the project installation and most importantly, following system handover.”

The SwimEye service team ensures that each system operates as intended.  Service and maintenance will also ensure that each client is achieving optimum system performance.

24/7 service and maintenance support

SwimEye customer support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  The SwimEye policy is to provide technical support immediately when it is needed. A phone “hotline” is available for urgent matters and other issues can be reported via e-mail or SMS.

In many situations, SwimEye can remedy a technical solution via remote internet access.  However, SwimEye maintenance staff typically respond to any hardware issues, by visiting the pool location within 24 – 48 of the incident notification.

Furthermore, minimizing ongoing cost to the client is an important part of the SwimEye service and maintenance policy.  With a three-year warranty on most SwimEye hardware, client service and maintenance costs typically remain within the agreed annual License, Service & Maintenance fee.  This means no additional costs to the client, which is an important hallmark of the SwimEye value proposition.

Minimizing impacts on the client

“We find it essential to be visible and available when a clients need us,” continues Tor. “It also important that we provide efficient solutions to any technical or maintenance issues.” 

“By providing great service, we ensure that clients aren’t using their own time troubleshooting any technical issues. We are always available no matter how large or small the issue might be,” says Tor.   This level of service and availability ensures that a SwimEye system is operating effectively and that there is minimum operational downtime (should any technical issues occur).

Remote quality monitoring capabilities

With ten years’ service and maintenance experience, SwimEye has developed a complete understanding of regular technical issues and client concerns.  This has led to the development of a “remote quality monitoring system”, located at the SwimEye headquarters in Norway.

The remote quality monitoring system displays the real-time status of each active SwimEye system.  This provides SwimEye with the capability to discover technical issues before they become obvious to the client.   And with remote access capabilities, SwimEye is able to promptly remedy any software related maintenance issues as they occur.

“If a technical problem occurs, our remote quality monitoring system creates an alert at SwimEye headquarters in Norway. This allows us to take immediate action,” says Tor.  “With remote access to each of our active systems, we can remedy most services and maintenance issues from our office.  This significantly reduces any impact on our clients,” continues Tor.

A customer service culture

“I believe that our approach to customer service is a key reason for repeat business from our clients,” continues Tor.  “High-quality service and maintenance is an integral part of the SwimEye culture. We bestow this onto all of our staff and it is a characteristic that clients can rely upon”, concludes Tor.

For more information regarding service and maintenance, contact SwimEye today.


Photo: Emil Mikal (9) – a SwimEye recruit, helping replace a camera house at a recent service visit.

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